Commitment to the Character and Compassion of Christ
It’s our goal to create an environment to help middle school and high school students (7th-12th grade) take ownership of their faith. Students who own their faith have an intimate relationship with God, a deep love for others, and a heart of service for the world around them. This happens when students see God’s activity in and around their lives, and they decide to join Him in His work.
Contact: Hannah McDonough, hannah@faithbiblemd.org

Sunday Nights (C4 Youth)
Join us Sunday nights, 4-6 p.m. in the FBC Fellowship Hall.
As students come in they can play games, purchase items at the snack shack, and just hang out with each other and our leaders.
Once the program begins, we seek to engage them through energetic games, powerful worship, Biblical and age-appropriate teaching, and thoughtful small group discussions.
Mid-Week Small Groups
Our small groups are hosted in leaders homes and are split into groups by gender and grade.
Trust. Vulnerability. Accountability. That's what we are trying to create at small groups. Our leaders are dedicated to discipling students and studying scripture to help them further their relationship with Christ. Small groups open for sign ups at the begin of the Fall and Spring Semesters.

Text @c4youthfbc to 81010
to receive updates about C4 Youth Group and communicate with our leaders
If you’re having trouble with 81010, try texting @c4youthfbc to (810) 250-7858