Small Group Schedule
Ladies' Evening Bible Study
Transforming Prayer
Led by Susan Blizek
Meets every other Monday at FBC in the Children's Sanctuary, 6:00pm
Celebrate Recovery
A Bible study that teaches how to live in the truth, forgiveness, joy, and peace that only knowing Jesus provides.
Meets everyday Monday
7-9pm in the
Fellowship Hall.
Dinner 6 pm the 1st & 3rd Monday each month.
1 & 2 Thess. & Titus
Led by Karen Beach
Meets at the Beach's,
Led by Carl Hager
Meets 6-9pm
(Dinner 6pm; Study 7-9pm)
Contact Carl for location.
Young Men's (18-30) Bible Study
Led by Daniel Jones
Meets at the Crouch's,
6:30 pm
Promised Land
Starts April 3
Led by Greg Ryan
Meets at the Ryans' home, 6:30-9pm
Young Women's (18-early 30's) Bible Study
Led by Kaylin Beach
Meets at 6:45 pm
Contact Kaylin for location.
Seniors' Bible Study
Meets at FBC in Room 120
and on Zoom, 1:30-3pm.
Biblical Parenting
Led by Jason & Amber Collins
Meets at Collins' home,
6-8pm (Dinner 6pm; Study 7-8pm)
Answers to Tough Questions
Led by John Murdock
Meets at FBC in Room 120,
Young Marrieds' (7 years or less)
Led by Robert & Hillary Hurst
Meets at the Hursts' home, 6:45 pm
Ladies' Morning Bible Study
Led by Tita Harris
Meets on Zoom,
Mission-Minded Marrieds
Led by Patrick & Marissa Flores
Meets every other Thursday at the Flores' home, 6:30-8:30 pm
Led by Kevin Hughes
Meets at the Hughes' home, 6-8:30 pm
Summer Bible Study
A 5-week study to dig into God 's overall biblical story based off the Colson Fellows Program
July 26-August 23
6:30 pm at Daniel Jones'
Craft Group
Led by Amanda Phillips
Meets the first Friday of each month in the Fellowship Hall, 6-9 pm
1 John Mom’s Small Group
Led by Hannah Sheets
Meets at the Sheets’ home in Wildewood, 8:45-10 am
Moms and little kids are welcome to come.
M Is for Mama Small Group
(for moms of children 10 and under)
Led by Montana Harris
Meets the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month at the Harris’s home in Mechanicsville, 9:30-11:30 am Childcare provided.